lock plus

Standard Rivet codes can look like this:

Understanding Standard (aka Breakstem) rivet codes will help you to find the correct rivet quickly, either by navigating through categories, or by using the search box. As an example we will use the Rivet Code 72AS-0402

Rivet Head Style Codes


The first 2 numbers denote the rivet head style, as follows:

Number Head Style
72 Countersunk (CSK)
73 Truss
73ASL Large Flange

Rivet Material Composition and Availability


These letters denote the composition of the rivet and any modifications, as follows:

Code Rivet Body Mandrel / Nail Available Head Types
AA Aluminium Aluminium Truss
AS Aluminium Steel CSK or Truss
ASL Aluminium Steel Large Flange
MS Monel Steel CSK or Truss
SS Steel Steel CSK or Truss
SSL Steel Steel Large Flange
STST Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CSK or Truss
STSTL Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Flange
TA Aluminium Steel CSK or Truss
TST Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Truss

Diameter / Grip Range


These numbers represent the diameter and grip range of the rivet.

Rivtec® Rivet Measurement Drawing



The first 2 digits represent the diameter of the rivet head in 1/32"

for example, 04 = 4/32" or 1/8" (= 3.2mm)

Grip Range


The second 2 digits represent the maximum grip length in 1/16"

for example, 02 = 2/16" or 1/8" (= 3.2mm)

No# Grip Diameter (mm) Grip Min (mm) Grip Max (mm)
03 02 2.40 1.60 3.20
03 03 2.40 3.20 4.80
03 04 2.40 4.80 6.40
04 02 3.20 1.60 3.20
04 03 3.20 3.20 4.80
04 04 3.20 4.80 6.40
04 05 3.20 6.40 7.90
04 06 3.20 7.90 9.50
04 08 3.20 9.50 12.7
04 01 3.20 0.00 1.60
04 10 3.20 12.7 15.9
04 12 3.20 15.9 19.0
05 02 3.20 1.60 3.20
05 04 4.00 1.60 3.20
05 03 4.00 3.20 4.80
05 05 4.00 6.40 7.90
05 06 4.00 7.90 9.50
05 08 4.00 9.50 12.7
05 01 4.00 0.00 1.60
05 10 4.00 12.7 15.9
05 12 4.00 15.9 19.0
05 16 4.00 21.5 26.5
06 02 4.80 1.60 3.20
06 03 4.80 3.20 4.80
06 04 4.80 4.80 6.40
06 06 4.80 7.90 9.50
06 08 4.80 9.50 12.7
06 10 4.80 12.7 15.9
06 12 4.80 15.9 19.0
06 05 4.80 6.40 7.90
06 14 4.80 19.0 22.2
06 16 4.80 22.2 25.4
06 18 4.80 24.0 29.0
06 20 4.80 25.4 34.9
06 22 4.80 29.0 34.0
06 26 4.80 34.0 39.0
06 29 4.80 39.0 44.0
08 04 6.40 4.80 6.40
08 06 6.40 6.40 9.50
08 08 6.40 9.50 12.7
08 10 6.40 13.0 15.9
08 12 6.40 16.0 19.0
08 16 6.40 19.0 25.0
08 19 6.40 25.4 29.5
08 22 6.40 29.5 35.0
08 02 6.40 1.60 3.20
10 06 7.80 4.00 9.50
10 08 7.80 9.50 12.5
10 10 7.80 12.5 16.5
10 12 7.80 16.5 20.5
10 16 7.80 20.5 24.5
10 18 7.80 24.5 29.5
10 21 7.80 29.5 34.5